Friday, April 24, 2020

Research Paper Topics Based on the CIA

Research Paper Topics Based on the CIAOne of the best ways to set yourself apart from your peers is to base your research paper topics around topics related to the CIA. The reason for this is obvious: the CIA is well known for doing some incredible things. These great deeds are often considered to be some of the most heroic acts in the history of the country.In fact, one of the greatest leaps in scientific discovery that was made in the United States was centered around the CIA. A lot of people take their patriotism and loyalty to the United States for granted, but these people could not have been in better position to know about it. We can't forget that many of the greatest men and women in our nation's history were also deeply devoted to the CIA.For example, we now know that many of the planes that took part in the Battle of Britain were operated by the CIA. So, why not make your research paper topics based on these great achievements? It could even be fun for you to research some of the CIA's other military exploits.If you're interested in the Cold War, then you might want to consider researching the CIA's role in the Cuban Missile Crisis. Many people don't really think of the CIA as being particularly relevant to them, but if you're doing your research paper topics based on the CIA, then you'll find that they had a lot to do with influencing the minds of the world. This is one time when the CIA may not have acted without the consent of President Kennedy, and it proves that they had an immense impact on the world.But, of course, the real purpose of researching CIA subjects in your research paper topics is to help you gain insight into the CIA itself. What was their mission? What did they do for fun?There are several books available today that will help you understand the CIA, and some of these books will be more than worth your time. I recommend the top two books in this field, written by David Talbot and John Prados: Heartbreakers: The Inside Story of the K ennedy Assassination and Inside Man: The Extraordinary Story of Lee Harvey Oswald, because they go into detail about the events that took place surrounding the assassination of JFK.You'll learn all about Operation Northwoods, why the Soviets worried so much about nuclear war between the US and the USSR, and the role that the CIA played in trying to stop the deployment of a hydrogen bomb in Cuba. All of these topics have relevance to your research paper topics, as you're researching your topic of choice. Of course, you'll learn more about the agency through your schoolwork than by reading the books.As a final note, the last thing I will say is to always be cautious when referencing the CIA in your research paper topics. You've probably been bombarded with so many conspiracy theories that you must be cautious to make sure you don't fall into one of those myths yourself.

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